Key West Fishing – April 2017

Windy March blows in and stirs up the fishing. March is the month of constantly changing weather. It Blows for a day or two then drops out and the fishing just gets better and better. Offshore in March you can expect the large dolphin to show up in the 500-650 foot depth tailing to the west under birds. The color change will begin to fill with early season tailers(sailfish) and cobia.  If we get two days of south wind you can look south and find dolphin under the birds and on debris. The north east winds will make the color change come alive. The reef action will improve the yellowtail seem to grow hungry after the windy days making them easier to catch than normal. The cloudy water from the winds makes it just a little easier.

When the wind drops and the gulf waters have time to clear up the gulfside wrecks will fill with cobia, sharks and snappers. The toughest part of fishing the gulf wreck is keeping your fish from being eaten by jewfish and sharks. If your looking for shake the big ones have settled in on the wrecks for a meal and are plentiful and hungry.

The back country and flats with the warming waters the tarpon will again fill in on the flats for silver king fun. With each passing day as the flats warm the barracuda will start to move out and the permit tarpon and bonefish will return.

If you want to go play Give us a shout.

Capt Mike Weinhofer
Compass Rose Charters