Saltwater Fishing

Integer vehicula pretium arcu nec eleifend. Vestibulum a turpis quis est semper finibus. Morbi vitae lacus ex. Pellentesque sed molestie turpis. Nunc risus nisi, venenatis sed pharetra non, sagittis vel quam. Quisque non bibendum lectus. Proin enim sem, eleifend eu erat faucibus, efficitur vestibulum ligula.

Praesent finibus nunc nec odio mollis mollis. Fusce at tortor sed lorem porta convallis. Ut aliquet ligula eget tellus euismod, ut porttitor nibh facilisis. Ut dapibus magna id nibh fermentum faucibus.


Choosing The Right Saltwater Outfit

Getting started in saltwater fly fishing can seem like an overwhelming task, but it is really uncomplicated. First, purchase the right rod and reel.Feb 25th, 2025

Laid Back in Grand Cay, Abaco, Bahamas

For those who have heard of Walker’s Cay, Bahamas over the years, much has changed since the hurricanes of 2004. The property damage was but a microcosm—what it did to the residents of Grand Cay was but an indicator of their resolve to recover and prosper.Sep 12th, 2014

Fall Brings An Inshore Bonanza To South Carolina’s Lowcountry

The South Carolina Lowcountry and its resort islands offer the kind of laid-back, Southern feel you’re looking for. The area includes the state’s four southern-most counties of Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton and Colleton, which sit tight on the Atlantic Ocean. The Lowcountry offers gorgeous beaches, marshes flush with wildlife and rich cultural and historic opportunities.Sep 9th, 2014

Beat Of The Old Drum In North Carolina

Hearing the sound of a large old male drum drumming is one of the most intriguing and magnificent fishing experiences anglers can hope to enjoy. Only male drum make this drumming sound, and the theory is they create this sound during spawning to attract females. The sound is created by the rapid contraction of muscles near the male drum’s swim bladder. Sep 7th, 2014

Here’s What’s Biting On Outer Banks Piers

Want to catch some fish or maybe fill a cooler without the hassle or expense of a boat? The answer to your dilemma is pier fishing, especially on the Outer Banks, which boast some of the best fishing piers in the region.Sep 7th, 2014

I’m Ron, and I’m all about fishing.

At four in the morning it’s nearly always quiet. Waves move boats slightly up then down, and wet ropes make low popping sounds. The warm salt air carries the smells of the day, fuel and fish. We load the boat under the harbor lights; live bait, frozen bait, coolers full of drinks and food for a long day. Smiles are everywhere, this day is all about fishing for red snappers and cobia. For readers new to fishing the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, I can sum up our lifestyle real easy, “This is as good as it gets.”Sep 5th, 2014

The Snapper Chronicles, episode two- Only Congress can fix this mess

As the situation with the recreational red snapper season has become ever more dire, there has been an increasing outcry targeting the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council as architects of the chaos. And while there can be some justified blame on both, they have had little ability to effect a positive change.Sep 5th, 2014