Saltwater Fishing

Integer vehicula pretium arcu nec eleifend. Vestibulum a turpis quis est semper finibus. Morbi vitae lacus ex. Pellentesque sed molestie turpis. Nunc risus nisi, venenatis sed pharetra non, sagittis vel quam. Quisque non bibendum lectus. Proin enim sem, eleifend eu erat faucibus, efficitur vestibulum ligula.

Praesent finibus nunc nec odio mollis mollis. Fusce at tortor sed lorem porta convallis. Ut aliquet ligula eget tellus euismod, ut porttitor nibh facilisis. Ut dapibus magna id nibh fermentum faucibus.


Choosing The Right Saltwater Outfit

Getting started in saltwater fly fishing can seem like an overwhelming task, but it is really uncomplicated. First, purchase the right rod and reel.Feb 25th, 2025

The Short Stroke: Fighting Fish in Deep Water

If you have spent any time involved in the sport of conventional saltwater fishing, you will have observed, I’m sure, that the best anglers on a charter boat will always bring their fish to gaff with as little fanfare as possible. These guys move fluidly, keeping constant pressure on the fish as it takes them around the boat, sometimes twice, all the time keeping one thing in mind, bringing that fish in quickly. Feb 1st, 2013

In Search of Monster Roosterfish

My son Charles and I are always looking for giant roosterfish— one of my favorite fish of all. It has a dorsal fin that kind of looks like the tail feathers of a rooster, thus giving it the name roosterfish. It is a member of the jack family and fights as hard as any jack does. Feb 1st, 2013

Hot Action on Eight-Day Trip Aboard the American Angler

The anglers who headed out in mid-October aboard the 90-foot American Angler, out of Point Loma Sportfishing in San Diego, with Captain Ray Lopez at the helm, experienced multi-species Nirvana on an eight-day Penn Fishing University excursion. This October eight-day trip is known as the Fall Variety Special, and it more than lived up to its billing, with 27 different species of game fish caught.Jan 7th, 2013

Florida Captains Tackle Louisiana Marsh During IFA Redfish Series Championship

For years, seven to be exact, I’ve been chasing redfish around the state. That includes both coasts and the panhandle. I’ve even ventured into Alabama and have made the run as far as the Pascagoula River in Mississippi. This was all part of fishing three different redfish tournament series with my long time tournament partner, Captain Jay Withers. Dec 4th, 2012

Angler Hooks First Goliath Grouper on Florida’s Treasure Coast

The guide wore the worst poker face ever. His cautioning instruction was almost laughable. His wry grin totally gave away his hand. For a fleeting moment, and as line hopelessly disappeared into the tannin-stained water, the angler’s day passed through his memory the way a near-death experience flashes one’s life before his eyes. He almost—almost—wished he hadn’t tangled with that pre-dawn 100-pound tail-walking tarpon. He nearly regretted the two tackle-testing tugs of war against snook topping 30 pounds. He came close to wishing he hadn’t been compelled to cast a topwater plug into a raging school of daisy-chaining 40-pound jack crevalles.Dec 4th, 2012

Fishing the Chandeleur Islands in Style

It was about 2 am in the morning and the seas were rough. We were just rounding Ship Island, watching the Mississippi Gulf Coast sky line fade away.Dec 4th, 2012