Okeechobee Fishing Reports

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RC UAVs in the Outdoors: Friends or Foe

These days not a day goes by without some news, good or bad, about the use of unmanned aerial vehicles a.k.a UAVs. Whether the topic is about privacy rights, safety, or national security, conversations can quickly develop into heated arguments over the pros and cons of the use of these aircraft. Sep 29th, 2015

Lake Okeechobee Algae

In recent months CAM Okeechobee has presented a series of articles discussing the various aquatic plant zones within Lake Okeechobee. The series would not be complete without a discussion on algae.Aug 26th, 2015

Guy Harvey Outpost – Okeechobee

At a standing room only Okeechobee County Commission meeting held on July 9th, the County Commission unanimously approved a proposal … Jul 30th, 2015

Bass in the Grass Part V: The Free Floating Zone

The last of the four zones of aquatic plants in our series is the free-floating zone. These are the aquatic … Jul 1st, 2015

Bass in the Grass Part IV: Fishing the Submersed Zone

To date, we have identified four zones of vegetation in Lake Okeechobee and lakes in general; the Emergent Zone, the … May 29th, 2015

Bass in the Grass Part III: Fishing The Floating Leaved Zone

For those of us fishing Lake Okeechobee, Lake Istokpoga, or any other south Florida lakes or waterway, to be successful … May 1st, 2015

Bass in the Grass Part (Part II): Fishing the Emergent Zone

In our March issue we introduced four basic zones for aquatic vegetation. They were; the emergent zone, the floating leafed … Mar 26th, 2015

Panthers I Have Known

Our hunting lodge in Central Florida has a diverse collection of wildlife and that included a female panther the other … Mar 26th, 2015

Quail Hunting

Most hunting articles in Florida are written about the allusive Osceola Turkey, wild boar, or big buck, but I am … Mar 26th, 2015

Winter Florida Bass Fishing

Like many Lake Okeechobee bass-fishing guides, I have repeat customers from up north who come down every year to fish … Mar 26th, 2015