In 2008, a group of men gathered on the Outer Banks with the purpose of organizing a club for fishing and called themselves the Outer Banks Anglers Club (OBXAC). The OBXAC meets the last Monday of every month at the Kern-Pitts Center located behind the Southern Shores Town Hall at 7:00 pm. The meetings are open to anyone, whether they are an experienced fisherman or those who are just starting out. At each meeting, the club has a monthly guest speaker that may be a member, a local fishing captain, biologists, state or local marine agencies, or has a connection with fishermen. Also, members will discuss their fishing trips and share information and sometimes pictures from the trips. Every month, members will submit their exemplary catches for the Fish of the Month contest. During the break, refreshments are served and members and guests can network. After the break, a short business meeting is conducted and ends with a raffle for a $50 gift certificate from TW’s Bait and Tackle, as well as a 50/50 raffle.

Check out the club’s webpage for more information about  the club.