
Environmental and waterway news.

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Florida Forest Fire

Florida Winters are Fire Season

While much of the nation experiences four seasons through-out the year, here in Florida we have just two, Hurricane Season and Fire Season. Hurricane Season runs from June 1st through November 30th, the rest of the year is Fire Season. The peak of fire season are the months of January, February, and March.

Seagrass Restoration in the Indian River Lagoon

Seagrasses are the foundation of our estuaries, but they are often overlooked by anglers, boaters, and seafood consumers. Even the term “seagrass” is misleading, as these plants are not grasses, but a diverse set of submerged flowering plants that occupy coastal ecosystems worldwide.

Hobe Sound Nature Center News

The Nature Center is seeking volunteers to participate in the annual Jonathan Dickinson State Park Christmas Bird Count on Sunday, December 27th.

Casting for birdie – How birds can help anglers improve their inshore game

Successful offshore anglers know that scanning for birds can lead them to a sailfish or a school of dolphin. Learn to use them to your advantage! Make scanning for birds part of your regular routine, and you’ll start putting more fish in the boat.

St. Lucie County Pond Recently Stocked with Bluegill and Redear Sunfish

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation commission (FWC), in partnership with the Treasure Coast Research and Development Authority, recently stocked 3,500 bluegill and redear sunfish into the 7-acre pond at the St. Lucie County Treasure Coast Research Park.

Gray FishTag Research Growing in More Than Costa Rica

The very successful 2015 fishing season is coming to an end and Gray FishTag Research is gearing up for yet …

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Cobia Caught on Birthday Trip Could Shatter World Record by 40 Pounds

On February 8, a group of anglers celebrating Lucas Tapper's 21st birthday off Southwest Australia hooked a massive cobia weighing 175.49 pounds. If certified by the IGFA, this catch would surpass the 40-year-old all-tackle world record of 135 pounds 9 ounces.

Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

Record-Breaking Catch: Jan Gredysa’s Black Sea Bass

Jan Gredysa was fishing off Shinnecock, New York, when a 43-centimeter black sea bass took his bait. After a brief struggle, Jan successfully landed the fish and recorded its length using his official IGFA Measuring Device before safely releasing it back into the water. With this impressive catch, Jan has set the IGFA All-Tackle Length Junior World Record for the species.