Another year of artificial reefing in St. Lucie County is winding down. This summer’s construction activity resulted in another 1,500-ton secondary concrete reef being deployed 400 feet west of the 1,500-ton reef deployed in 2014.Guest Columnist
CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDA, 10/17/2015 – The Coastal Conservation Association Florida (CCA) STAR Tournament Presented by Yamaha held their Awards Banquet … Editorial Staff
Restoring oysters is key to ensuring the health of our estuaries. Oyster reefs are the kidneys of an estuary, with a single adult oyster able to filter up to 50 gallons of water per day!Florida Oceanographic Society
FWC new recreational and commercial bag limits for barracuda for waters off south Florida to limit bag limits to two fish per person and daily vessel limit of six fish per vessel set to begin Nov. 1. The changes will apply in state and federal waters off Collier, Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin counties onlyTreasure Coast
On February 8, a group of anglers celebrating Lucas Tapper's 21st birthday off Southwest Australia hooked a massive cobia weighing 175.49 pounds. If certified by the IGFA, this catch would surpass the 40-year-old all-tackle world record of 135 pounds 9 ounces.Editorial Staff
Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.Tobin Strickland
Jan Gredysa was fishing off Shinnecock, New York, when a 43-centimeter black sea bass took his bait. After a brief struggle, Jan successfully landed the fish and recorded its length using his official IGFA Measuring Device before safely releasing it back into the water. With this impressive catch, Jan has set the IGFA All-Tackle Length Junior World Record for the species.Editorial Staff