
Environmental and waterway news.

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St. Pete Installing Line Recycling Bins

St. Pete Installing Line Recycling Bins Anglers fishing from the half-mile stretch of seawall along Pass-a-Grille Way in St. Pete …

Help Conserve Billfish in Costa Rica

The number of billfish in Costa Rica and surrounding Central American countries seem to be booming when looking at the …

FWC UPDATES: Lobster Season

Many people find the rules and geographical boundaries in southern Florida to be complex and confusing. Whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned lobster veteran, a quick review of the basic information is never a bad idea!

FWC News Two-Day Mini Lobster Season July 29-30

The mini lobster season is always the last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday in July. This year the mini season falls on July 29th and 30th.

FISH BUSTERS’ BULLETIN: Bass management is evolving

Florida supports some of the best bass fishing in the world. The State's abundant lakes and rivers provide habitat necessary to produce good fisheries and the Florida largemouth bass possesses unique genetics that favors rapid growth to trophy size.

Care and Treatment of Big Bass

Earlier this month, on a bass fishing guide trip to Lake Istokpoga, we managed to catch two good-sized largemouth bass. …

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Cobia Caught on Birthday Trip Could Shatter World Record by 40 Pounds

On February 8, a group of anglers celebrating Lucas Tapper's 21st birthday off Southwest Australia hooked a massive cobia weighing 175.49 pounds. If certified by the IGFA, this catch would surpass the 40-year-old all-tackle world record of 135 pounds 9 ounces.

Rod Actions for Coastal Fishing

Broomstick. That’s what I started out coastal fishing with nearly 20 years ago. I had done quite well bass fishing with heavy-action rods growing up.

Record-Breaking Catch: Jan Gredysa’s Black Sea Bass

Jan Gredysa was fishing off Shinnecock, New York, when a 43-centimeter black sea bass took his bait. After a brief struggle, Jan successfully landed the fish and recorded its length using his official IGFA Measuring Device before safely releasing it back into the water. With this impressive catch, Jan has set the IGFA All-Tackle Length Junior World Record for the species.