We all know nature hates a vacuum, and she’s almost as picky about trophic levels in ecosystems. Which brings up an interesting situation in the Gulf of Mexico.
During the late nineteen eighties and nineties, the commercial shark fishery hit the Gulf shark stocks pretty hard. Editorial Staff
If you're like me, the recent holiday season has erased some of your memory (I think it’s all the sweets), and you may be in need of a refresher on where we left off in the Gulf restoration process. Recently, the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) trustees released a long-awaited draft Early Restoration Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) and Phase III Environmental Restoration Plan (ERP). This was exciting news for the Gulf of Mexico, because the PEIS is critical for laying the groundwork for a comprehensive, long-term and integrated restoration process in the wake of the BP oil disaster. Ocean Conservancy’s experts have been going through the nearly 2,500- page document with a fine tooth comb over the last several weeks, and we are pleased to present you with our preliminary views.Alabama Gulf Coast Edition
Bonefish, also called gray ghosts, are among the most elusive and highly prized fishes sought by recreational anglers in the Florida Keys, Bahamas and similar tropical habitats around the world.Editorial Staff
On February 8, a group of anglers celebrating Lucas Tapper's 21st birthday off Southwest Australia hooked a massive cobia weighing 175.49 pounds. If certified by the IGFA, this catch would surpass the 40-year-old all-tackle world record of 135 pounds 9 ounces.Editorial Staff
Palaniuk showcased his expert angling techniques, ultimately securing the championship with an impressive final weight. His victory marks a significant achievement in his career, further solidifying his reputation as one of the top competitors in the world of professional bass fishing. Editorial Staff