Saltwater Fishing

Integer vehicula pretium arcu nec eleifend. Vestibulum a turpis quis est semper finibus. Morbi vitae lacus ex. Pellentesque sed molestie turpis. Nunc risus nisi, venenatis sed pharetra non, sagittis vel quam. Quisque non bibendum lectus. Proin enim sem, eleifend eu erat faucibus, efficitur vestibulum ligula.

Praesent finibus nunc nec odio mollis mollis. Fusce at tortor sed lorem porta convallis. Ut aliquet ligula eget tellus euismod, ut porttitor nibh facilisis. Ut dapibus magna id nibh fermentum faucibus.


Choosing The Right Saltwater Outfit

Getting started in saltwater fly fishing can seem like an overwhelming task, but it is really uncomplicated. First, purchase the right rod and reel.Feb 25th, 2025

New Hampshire State Record: Bluefin Tuna

A week ago Saturday, the crew of Salt Shaker, out of the Wentworth Marina in New Castle, landed an all time New Hampshire state record Bluefin tuna. Sep 3rd, 2013

Hooking Wreck Fish off San Salvador Island

The coffee's hot, the morning cool. On the horizon a blood-summer sun peeks above the blue Atlantic. Before long, the temperature of the cooling coffee and the warming morning will inverse.Sep 3rd, 2013

It’s that Redfish Time of Year

September marks the month that most people fishing for redfish truely love. There are numerous ways to fish for redfish. Huge ‘bull reds’ will soon be within reach of passes. Bay shoreline’s harboring smooth cordgrass, oyster reefs, or sea-grass flats will attract numerous juveniles; many tailing, crawling, or creating ‘muds’ as they root for grass shrimp that are maturing. But few hear of the mention of the ‘open water’ bay technique. Mainly because it’s the primary method that savvy tournament anglers utilize to win Gulf Coast redfish tournaments. Sep 3rd, 2013

Species of the Month: Common Snook

Common snook (Centropomus Undecimalis) are found in coastal waters ranging along the eastern and western coast of Florida, the Texas … Sep 3rd, 2013

Autumn Offshore Transition

As July turned to August this year, the summer tuna bite for the San Diego long-range fleet was absolutely on fire; as evidenced by the success found by 22 Penn Fishing University anglers who ventured out for a 5-day long-range trip aboard Captain Mike Lackey’s ‘Vagabond’, out of Point Loma Sportfishing in San Diego. Sep 1st, 2013

Late Season Tarpon Fishing

Watch as Capt. Tadd Vandemark explains and beautifully demonstrates how to catch late season Tarpon off Florida's Gulf Coast. Aug 23rd, 2013