Create Your Own Culture

By Wilson Love

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Really, it does.

How crazy is it that we as a culture just blindly accept whatever is dished out to us and willingly swallow anything that billion-dollar business, (or other jaded interests) ram down the pipe?

Some debilitating current cultural concepts are:

1. There is an undefined (but important) reason to hurry. (Just ask the guy on your bumper)

2. Worry is necessary, expected and beneficial. (It brings happiness into balance)

Most of us have an agenda; a plan for living – some sort of personal strategy. That’s good, except culture eats strategy for lunch. Culture is a combination of what we as a people create and what we allow. What happened to rugged individualism and patriotic unity? It seems like we’ve become a trendy school of fish (no, not game fish, some small species like guppies or snail darters), every one blindly chasing the tail of what is out in front, just waiting for the net to drop.

A laid back friend of mine often says, “I don’t hurry and I don’t worry”. This man is brilliant. Words release creative power. He has built a personal culture that soars above the Hurry and Worry Graveyard. Maybe it’s time for more of us to lighten up and have a little spinal resistance. Consider taking time to stop and have an objective look at (whatever behavioral steering comes to mind) and make some decisions. When the world zigs, we have the option to zag.

There is indeed time for everything that is worthy of our time – many things aren’t. And worry is just fear with skin on it. Let’s go with confidence instead, not in ourselves but in the One who made us and saves us. Jesus said, “..I came that they [we] may have life, and have it abundantly”. (John 10:10)

Time and confidence are part of an abundant life.

Wilson Love is Owner/Operator of The Practical Outdoorsman, a retail and consignment store.