Recipe Corner

All I can say, if you didn’t visit Costa Rica in July and August, you may have missed out on some amazing fishing! The sailfish and marlin bite were close, 20 miles off Los Suenos!

We also experienced the MEGA pod of dolphins, running off the coast, seems like at least 1000 swimming together. And as we know, where there’s dolphin, there’s yellowfin TUNA! And the most experienced captains can fill a fish locker within a few passes in front of those dolphins. So what do we do with all this tuna? First, don’t cook it, at all!!

Eat as much as you can, then try some poke and some rolls. When you have eaten your weight in tuna and can not think of any other way to prepared. Lets make fresh tuna salad!

• Use tail pieces or outside ends, cook thoroughly and let cool and drain all the water.

• 500 grams tuna cooked

• 50 grams red onion fine dice

• 50 grams celery fine dice

• 10 grams dill chopped

• 1  cup mayonnaise

• 1/3 cup sour cream

• Salt and pepper

Using food service gloves, take the cooked tuna and grind with your hands, as fine to dust as possible, this may take a few minutes but worth it. Next, take your onion, celery and dill and mix well with the tuna.

Finally, add the Mayonnaise and sour cream. Blend well with your hands. Taste and add salt and pepper to flavor.

Enjoy, tuna melts, tuna wraps, or over a green salad.


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Happy Eating – Chef Jimmy T

As a former chef on a megayacht, Jimmy T’s owner Jimmy Tancrell, often had difficulty finding local suppliers who could provide the foodstuffs and condiments necessary for the gourmet meals expected by his clients. During long days at sea under star-filled skys, the crew and staff would talk about their dreams of ‘life after yachting’.  And for Jimmy Tancrell a dream was born … to provide a service for other ‘yachty’ chefs who were in the same boat as Jimmy so far as the need for adequately stocking their galleys with condiments, spices, good beef, fresh vegetables, fruits and cheeses.

Life after yachting led him to Los Suenos at Herradura on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific coast where Jimmy had already discovered the year ’round availability of wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables offered on Fridays at Jaco’s Mercado Movil or farmers market. A store became available dockside at Los Suenos and Jimmy T’s Provisions and Gourmet foods opened in May 2007.

Jimmy T’s Provisions & Gourmet Foods • Los Suenos Marina Shop • 011-506-2637-8636 • Cell (Costa Rica) 8682-7090