Recipe Corner

As we are in the end of dry season and heading to rainy season, which is also been the peak growing season, fresh fruits and vegetables are at their best.

We always get constant comments about how the fresh food tastes different here then where our tourist travel from.

My immediate answer is transport and proximity to where the product is produced. The pineapple may be a few days or couple weeks old. The lettuce was cut within a day or two. So we do enjoy a more tree ripened and flavorful food.

One of our staple salads that showcases these fresh flavors is our fresh chilled greek salad.

Again these guidelines, or recipes we call them, can be altered to your taste but this will give you a great starting point.

Greek Salad


(All cut to the same size for more uniform shape for eye appeal and flavor displacement.)

• 6 (2.2 kilo) tomato in cubes

•1 kilo red onion

• 500 grams celery

• 500 grams sweet red pepper

• 2 kilo cucumber partially peeled and seeded

• 10 grams fresh oregano

• 350 grams kalamata olives

• 1/2 cup olive oil

• 1 cup red wine vinegar

• 500 gram feta cheese

Cut all ingredients, except for the dressing, and add to a mixing bowl. Mix dry before the dressing thoroughly to distribute flavors and colors evenly.

Mix separately the oregano, olive oil, and red wine vinegar.

Pour dressing over the fresh vegetables and add a few turns of fresh ground pepper and a pinch of salt.

Mix through and serve chilled. Holds up to 2 days in a refrigerator.

Enjoy and eat those locally grown fruits and vegetables when possible

Happy eating,  Chef Jimmy T


Check out our catering menus on our website.

Happy Eating – Chef Jimmy T

As a former chef on a megayacht, Jimmy T’s owner Jimmy Tancrell, often had difficulty finding local suppliers who could provide the foodstuffs and condiments necessary for the gourmet meals expected by his clients. During long days at sea under star-filled skys, the crew and staff would talk about their dreams of ‘life after yachting’.  And for Jimmy Tancrell a dream was born … to provide a service for other ‘yachty’ chefs who were in the same boat as Jimmy so far as the need for adequately stocking their galleys with condiments, spices, good beef, fresh vegetables, fruits and cheeses.

Life after yachting led him to Los Suenos at Herradura on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific coast where Jimmy had already discovered the year ’round availability of wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables offered on Fridays at Jaco’s Mercado Movil or farmers market. A store became available dockside at Los Suenos and Jimmy T’s Provisions and Gourmet foods opened in May 2007.

Jimmy T’s Provisions & Gourmet Foods • Los Suenos Marina Shop • 011-506-2637-8636 • Cell (Costa Rica) 8682-7090