The Fins and Gills Classic is a fishing tournament for kid, teens, adults, and families. The tournament is designed to teach kids of all ages the joys of fishing and teach them how to enjoy the great outdoors.
The first 200 kids (12 and under) will receive a free rod and reel, tackle box, tackle, and bait. There are three different divisions for the tournament: kids (12 and under), teens (13-15), and adults (16 and older). Prizes will be awarded in all three divisions for largest stringer (total weight) for places first through tenth, biggest fish, biggest game fish, smallest fish, first fish (boy, girl, teen, adult), river buffet (5 different species), largest trash bag, and whatever else we come up with. The event offers a number of things to do. There is a trout pond for all to enjoy, live music (The Doghouse Band), archery, yard fishing and more.
The Craggy Mountain Line (train shuttle) will be providing a shuttle from the parking area (The Old Burlington Mill) to Woodfin Riverside Park (event location). Rocky and his team are also offering a couple of train rides throughout the day. Don’t worry about not knowing how to fish or what to do. There will be experienced fisherman on hand to help in any way that is needed. We will teach you how to tie, cast, and bait. The catching is up to you.
Lunch will be provided for all that attend. There will be raffle prize given out every 15 minutes, from 10 am to 2 pm to a kid, teen, and adult. Spectators are welcome to come and enjoy the festivities. There are two ways to fish the tournament, from the bank or from a boat. The boundaries for the tournament are from the Richmond Hill Bridge to the dam below the park. No fishing below the dam. I know it’s good fishing, but we have to enforce the boundaries for safety. All North Carolina fishing regulation apply. This is a catch and release tournament. All fish will be safely returned to the French Broad River.
There will be over $7,000 dollars in prizes given away at the tournament. For more information visit us on facebook or visit our website I hope to see all you experienced and aspiring anglers at the tournament. Remember, it does not matter what you catch as long as it has “Fins and Gills”.
Phillip T. Martin, Founder