Oh Dorian!

By Sandra Schultz, Southern Comfort Charter Services, LLC Contributing Writer

I am so very thankful that we were spared from Hurricane Dorian here in Palm Beach County, Fl. My heart goes out for those who were not so lucky. So, I’ve decided to write my article on some the effects of this storm instead of a fishing report for this month.

Our marina, The Palm Beach Yacht Center, has been collecting supplies and several vessels have been delivering the goods to the Bahamas.

Today, as I am writing this article, it looks as though yet another tropical system may hit the Bahamas. I have seen some horrific videos and pictures online that the media has not shown on local television. One, of Hobe Town, there are bodies everywhere floating and under debris. There are little babies found alive, now in a shelter but the authorities don’t know who they belong to. The people that have survived are now just wandering through the rumble in shock and disbelief.  Many may still be barely clinging on to life.  I just ask for your prayers for all of those affected by Dorian. If you can help in any way by volunteering your time, or giving of supplies please do so in whatever capacity that you can. They are in need so much of everything. Thank you!