The Micro Skiff That Does It All By: Capt. Anthony Corcella

A couple of weeks ago, we had the opportunity to take out a crossover skiff made by XPC out of Tampa. I am impressed with this little 16-foot crossover skiff. This boat has really shocked me on how well it handles in rough water. We had it out in about a foot and a half chop, with occasional white caps and, I have to tell you, this is one of the driest boats that I’ve ever been on. At the end of our excursion, this boat only had less than a half-gallon of water in the bilge.

This boat runs a 7-inch draft. That is plenty shallow enough to get back in those backwater bays for redfish, snook and trout. Paired with a 25hp outboard, it gets up and scoots!  I just can’t believe how smooth this boat was, especially with two others and myself. The fishing ability is very easy. I’m telling you, if you’re looking to buy a boat that’s not going to break the bank, this is it. There are plenty of different options you can add to this boat.

If you want to go out for a ride, let me know and we will put it together. I promise you that you’ll fall in love with it just like we did. The boat is super stable. We literally had three of us on one side of the boat, at one time, and the security is there! The back deck and the front deck are removable. Very simple to take them out and put them in. When you get on this boat, you feel like you are in a luxury boat with the craftsmanship that goes into this build. The coat is perfect. The lines on the boat are perfect. Everything about this boat is perfect, in my opinion, for a fisherman or someone that just wants to get out on the water and hit the sandbars. Last, the skiff comes with a well-built aluminum trailer.

So, if you want to check out this boat, you need to go to the Instagram page, look up XPC, give them a follow and hit that like button. And, like I said, if you want to go fish in it for a few hours, hit me up and let me know. I will get you out on the water with it. It’s Capt. Anthony approved!