Time for School

By Ronnie Parris

Hey folks it’s finally here—the very best time of year to catch schooling fish. In no other month are the fish gonna be banded so tight together. Some days it’s gonna be so cold you question your sanity being out on the boat in temps like these, but trust me, those thoughts will disappear when you see a school of 90 plus fish and they head to your bait as soon as it drops into their range.

I have live scope on my boat and it’s so exciting to watch. Different lakes have different species I target, but my all-time favorite is yellow perch. Perch tend to gang up when the water temperature hits 40 degrees. Not only are they the prettiest fish we have, but also the tastiest. Perch fillets battered and fries can’t be beat. Perch tend to hold tight to the bottom and can be found between 15 and 40 feet deep this time of year. Minnows worms or crickets, as well as mealworms and waxworms work great, but they readily hit small artificial lures as well. Perch spook easily so don’t make a lot of noise or commotion when you fish them. I’ve seen someone drop something in the boat and the school disappears.

Bass are another good schooler. They hold from shallow to 80 feet deep at this time, so sonar is key. Find them and they will bite.

This probably isn’t the best time for taking kids, as it’s super cold. Dress warm in layers but take special precautions not to fall in wearing winter clothes, because it’s gonna be hard to get back in the boat. Stay warm an stay safe. Have fun and keep only what you really need to eat.

Ronnie Parris is owner and head guide of Smoky Mountain Outdoors Unlimited-Fontana Lake Fishing Guides, headquartered in Bryson City, NC, 488-9711.