Fort Bragg Ducks Unlimited Chapter Opened

The Fort Bragg Chapter of Ducks Unlimited held their first annual banquet on May 14th in Fayetteville, NC.  Since its beginning in1937, Ducks Unlimited has been the world’s leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation. Its mission is to conserve, restore, and manage wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and people.  The vision of Ducks Unlimited is wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. Ducks Unlimited is a grassroots, volunteer-based organization. Its members are conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts who live primarily throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico

Fort Bragg Ducks Unlimited was started by several Cumberland County Ducks Unlimited members after hearing there was interest in a chapter on Fort Bragg. For years a Fort Bragg chapter was discussed without making any head way. A number of soldiers were approached and their interest seemed to grow. A key to founding this chapter was the association with Patriot Hunts, an organization that provides outdoor experiences to wounded warriors. Ken Barnard, CEO of Patriot Hunts, Inc., Eric Gaines, Jack Justice, and David Hubbard all long time supporters and Sponsors for Cumberland County Ducks Unlimited held a meeting and decided to move forward. The Fort Bragg Ducks Unlimited committee is comprised of active duty, retired military and civilian personnel. The Inaugural Banquet looks to be a great success. This chapter is not only dedicated to raising awareness for conservation needs but to also providing hands on projects in the local community to help improve waterfowl habitat. Their goal is to introduce the next generation to the outdoors and teach them the importance of wildlife and taking care of the habitat desperately needed for its survival. The founders take great pleasure in serving along side and with some of America’ finest.