Shore & Pier Report: March 2014

By Ron the Pirate

[dropcap]M[/dropcap]arch is finally here, gone is the harsh cold. Yes, it will be windy at times and that will make fishing difficult. No longer will we be prisoners of the living room, a television set standing guard. We are coastal anglers and it’s time to get out. The water temperatures in the first part of the March should remain low. You’re going have to adapt your techniques accordingly. Right now it’s a level playing field. By this I mean a fisherman on a bridge or pier has just as much chance of landing a monster sheepshead or black drum as a fisherman in a boat. The bridge pillions are literarily covered in sheepshead. In fact, we filled a large cooler in less than 2 hours. Almost anywhere structure can be located sheepshead should be packed in. Fishing near a pillion can be bit tricky since you need to be as close to the structure as possible yet, not get hung up or get dragged by the fish. Casting against a pillion coated with line cutting barnacles is a skill set acquired through practice. The best bait right now is live shrimp, but dead shrimp will work almost as good. I would suggest that you move locations daily. The sheepshead are found in huge numbers all across the coast right now. Bottom line: “if you’re not hooking up- move! Black drums are grouped up in packs. When located, black drum can provide coastal anglers with nonstop action. It’s like lifting a concrete block with a rod and reel, just plain fun. As the days of March pass the water temperature in the bays and bayous should get rapidly warmer. Speckled trout and Redfish will return. Some trout and redfish are still being caught but the numbers and sizes are low right now. Don’t worry it’s going to get better. Flounder right now seem to be hit and miss, with a few large ones being taken on live shrimp. I’m Ron and I’m all about fishing.