Old Bahama Bay Resort and Yac ht Harbour, West End, Grand Bahama has just rolled out a Summer Small Boater’s Package geared to boats 35’ and under.
With a minimum of any three night stay, the $980 package includes dockage (calculated at $1.99 per foot) and hotel room ($199 nightly value and includes hotel service charges and taxes). The package does not include the Bahamian Cruising Permit, water, electric, cable or phone. The package is based on hotel double occupancy. Additional inroom guests are $50 per day. For those wishing to stay longer than 3 nights, additional nights are available for $327 per night (includes dockage and suite). The Small Boater’s Package is available through September 6, 2012, and is based upon availability.
For more information or reservations please call 1-888-800-8959, email info@ oldbahambay.com or visit www.oldbahamabay.com.