The Perfect Summer Day

By: Capt. Bruce Andersen

Summer is here and it’s blazing hot out there! Summer is a great time to try and stay cool by heading offshore to chase mahi. There are a lot of different kinds of days offshore, but every now and then you wind up with the perfect summer day mahi fishing offshore in the Florida Keys.
Before I get started with what makes an offshore fishing trip this time of year perfect, I’ve got to go through the things that come up most days that make it short of perfect. Sometimes we’ve got high winds and rough seas offshore. Sometimes it’s crowded and there are boats everywhere. Other times the fish just aren’t around or cooperating. And then there’s the days where the thunderstorms are rolling in, and you literally spend the day being chased by lightning and waterspouts.
But every now and then you’ll experience the perfect summer day. Some days heading offshore it will be so glassy calm that there’s not a ripple on the water. It might be a weekday and for some reason hardly anybody else decided to go fishing that day. There will hardly be another boat out there. Tons of open space right in front of you no matter what direction you go. Heading offshore into the Gulfstream and just about when you start to get a little nervous because you haven’t seen any signs of fish yet, maybe about 15 miles out, you’ll start to see sets of birds over huge weed patches that are loaded with mahi.
On approach to the weed patches, before you even get close enough to cast a bait, you look behind the boat and see a few nice gaffer size mahi hopping in towards your lures. Hook those fish and a huge school follows them right up behind the boat and as soon as you get done with that school, you spot another set of birds and do it all over again. It almost seems too easy!
You go down the weed a little further and behold there are a couple of bigger slammer dolphin! Now you’ve got a box full and a couple of trophies to go along with it. It just doesn’t get any better than that.
Perfect days like these are far and few between, but that’s what makes them special. There are a lot of normal days and some tough ones. But if you keep going out there and put in enough time, you’ll get to experience the perfect summer day and if you would like to see how we do it on the Capt. Easy, call or email me!

You can reach Captain Bruce Andersen at Capt. Easy Charters,
MM 85, call 305.360.2120 or email at: