By: Capt. Greg Poland
If your headed to the backcountry like I do most days, I like to look for rolling tarpon at first light, and if I don’t find them rolling in channels or around my favorite shoreline I’ll move on in search of live bait. If you know you are only going to fish till that mid-day heat, only spend enough time on the live bait search as needed so you can get on to the fishing. It is great to have a blacked-out bait well but my bait never seems to hold up well overnight, so I tend to only catch what I need for the day. The Snook fishing has
been great lately in and around the backcountry channels and shorelines but the sharks have also been around, so please don’t put your hands in the water to grab a fish at boat side. I always use a
landing net and just the other day had a 6ft bull shark try to attack a snook while it was in the net! Check out my Instagram feed under gregpoland to see the action, it was insane. I have always loved shark fishing and this time of year you can chum them up for some great sight fishing in shallow water. Definitely a lot of fun when I have kids on board and a great way for everybody to pull on a giant fish in clear water.
If you are more interested in something to eat for dinner mangrove snappers have been biting out on the reef line and I have been venturing offshore for the mahi mahi action when the weather and wind allow. I just got a brand-new Contender Bay Boat and added a retractable Bimini Top for the hot summer days.
If you are looking to get out on the water for a few hours give me a call and let’s get you and your family out for some fun on the water.
— Contact Capt. Greg at 305.393.3327 or email at