January delivered many a good day and surfers from Abaco to Rum Cay logged lots of water time. The north swells kept coming, with many good days in the 2 to 6 foot range, some bigger, and nice light winds. Can February bring the goods too? The answer to that question is, yes! Like its beginning-of-the-year predecessor, February features north swells and offshore winds. It’s one of those months that make you glad to be a surfer. We hope to see a similar pattern in the jet stream, which in January meant not the biggest swells of the year but solid ones, and with just the tail of the fronts passing over us we enjoyed many days of southerly or just light winds. For most of our island’s breaks (which face north and east) that means offshore folks! With cold fronts rolling in during the second half of January water temps have finally started to dip to where they would normally be this time of year. That’s about 72 to 77 degrees depending where you are, and possibly getting colder depending on the weather this month. I prefer a nice, heavy rashguard because who wants to surf wearing a wetsuit in the Bahamas? Not me. But if you do feel the cold bring something thicker. The water has assumed its spectacular, deep winter blue. It’s simply hypnotic. Enjoy and respect our beautiful ocean!