BBQ Christmas Clams Casino

By Jim Baugh, Dec. 2016


• JBBQ Sauce: Mix 1 c. ketchup,

3 T cider vinegar, cracked black

pepper, cracked sea salt to taste,

dash of Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp

of garlic and a dash of red pepper.

• Three dozen fresh clams

• 1 pound fresh shredded

extra sharp cheddar cheese

• 1 chopped onion

• 1 lb of smoked BBQ chopped pork

(I suggest Jim’s (JBBQ) smoked pork


• 2 c. fresh parsley chopped

• 1 lb of bacon cooked and chopped

• Garlic powder

• 1 stick unsalted butter

• Plenty of white wine

First make the JBBQ sauce and set aside, then chop all ingredients and set aside in an orderly fashion. Clean the clams and place on a baking sheet and bake at 350 until they just begin to crack open, then remove from the oven and begin to separate the top of the shells with a dull knife. Place the clam and half shell back on a baking sheet. Repeat this until the trey is full.

Next sprinkle light garlic powder over all the clams, then place small amounts of the smoked pork, bacon, onion, cheese, and parsley overtop all the clams. Next using a teaspoon drizzle some JBBQ sauce over all the clams. Lastly finish off with a small dab of butter on each clams and more parsley. Fill the bottom of the pan with at least one cup of wine and bake at 375 for around 10 minutes or until everything is melted. You’re done!