Beautiful Mountain Land with Trophy Trout Water

Have you ever just walked onto a body of water and knew right away that it was a special place?

That’s what happened to me the other day when Yorke Pharr invited me over to look at Mountain River Estates in Tuxedo N.C. on the Green River.

I walked onto the covered bridge, looked down into the crystal waters and immediately wanted to be part of Yorkes vision.

I usually make decisions like these solely on the possibility of catching large fish and there were large fish in this portion of the river.

But in this case, it was the community or should I say Yorke’s vision of a community that sold me.

Yorke cares for this land. He came to love it as a young camper more than fifty years ago. He then became a camp counselor…then through hard work, devine intervention and a huge leap of faith, he became part owner at age 22.

As time went on he took control of the whole property and started purchasing adjacent land. He sold the camp a few years ago but has now developed adjacent parcels into beautiful mountain property that he’s prepared to share with the right buyer.

The camp uses the river during camp summer to teach and introduce fly fishing to hundreds of boys each summer.

He’s meticulously crafted a vision, combining beautiful mountain land with trophy trout water. All he needs now is for the right folks to come and interview for the opportunity to be founding members.

Could you be the one to share York’s vision? Give YPG Properties a call and find out.