The Boynton Harbor Marina Sells Non-ethanol Gasoline and Diesel Fuel

Boynton Harbor Marina is a certified ValvTect marina carrying both “NON-ETHANOL” Marine Gasoline (90 Octane Recreational) and Marine Diesel with Bioguard Plus 6. ValvTect Certified Marinas’ gasoline & diesel tanks are tested up to twice each year to ensure that ValvTect Marine Fuels are free of water, algae and other harmful contaminants. Boynton Harbor Marina offers convenient dock space while you are filling up and is open daily Monday-Thursday 8 am – 5 pm, Friday 8 am – 6 pm and Saturday and Sunday 7 am – 6 pm. The marina is also equipped with state of the art gas and diesel dispensers. The new diesel dispensers are capable of pumping fuel at speeds of up to 60 gallons per minute. The ship store is well stocked with drinks, snacks, bait, ice, and last-minute boating items.

Gordon Coiner assists boater at the Boynton Harbor Marina

ValvTect Marine Gasoline is “specially formulated” for your marine gasoline engine. It requires no additional fuel additives to protect your engine, eliminating any risk of improper additive use and saves time and money. Other benefits include clean up fuel injector and intake deposits, stabilizes fuel for up to one year, improves fuel economy, reduces harmful exhaust emissions and improves power and performance.

For more information about the Boynton Harbor Marina go to or call 561-735-7955.


America’s Gateway to the Gulfstream