Bragboard Photos

Thank you for visiting our Bragboard page. Here you will find the latest and greatest catch photos from across the nation! Upload your image(s) to our Bragboard and you might be selected for our next magazine cover image or the image of the week! We look forward to seeing your image(s).

Want to be considered for our next magazine cover? View cover requirements here.

Submit Your Photo

Ed Federkeil with a big cow dolphin
Spring Break tunas

Beer bottle fishing

Tamera Scott showed the boys how to do it, as told by hubby Tony: Me and our boys spent $330 … Apr 27th, 2017

Double header muttons

Mangrove snappers hooked in Fort Pierce. Ken McDonald caught a pretty pair of mangrove snappers aboard The Lady Chris, fishing … Apr 27th, 2017

Bragboard Is A Place For Our Readers To Share Catch Photos And Videos!

  • Please provide an up to date email, in case we would like to contact you about using your photo in our magazine.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Write a short summary or a story about your photo/catch. Your post will be reviewed before it is posted to our bragboard.
  • Please tell us who took the photo and should receive photo credits.