March 7, 2017 – Saltwater Inshore and fly fishing report! Thanks for Reading!
Fishing statement: To try to insure that fishing stays in the hearts of those that love it and to help the ones that are going too!
Alli DeYoung is no stranger to all types of saltwater fishing from inshore to offshore.The fact of the matter is, SHE LOVES FISHING! Alli is holding her first red fish, which she fought caught and released while at the February 2017 Captain Judy’s inshore fishing school on the boats. Captain Matt Williams of Miss Judy Charters showed her the way! But I must add, for her showing is just about the same as catching! She goes at everything with grand determination and she really does understand the ways of a fish!
And now the…. Inshore bottom fishing for whiting!
Inshore fishing is great! Bottom fishing whiting in the sounds has picked up! All you need is small hooks and small pieces of shrimp! The secret to this catching job is to fish in a little deeper water meaning over 20 feet. Look for dips on the bottom while following 30 foot contour line and that’s where the whiting should be. Most whiting that were caught this past week were holding up in 25 feet of water! I suggest looking for a sandy shell bottom!
Find Inshore Fish Deep! For those that want to target redfish or spotted sea trout of all sizes, I suggest getting in line at one of the bait shops and purchasing some live shrimp! And of course, if you can’t get live shrimp there is always the old standby mud minnow! Over this past week, I have had inshore fishermen complaining about not being able to find a general bite in all the normal places. Well, I have a great tip for those that know where to go, but once arriving no bites happen. It’s so simple; don’t fish the shallow side of the boat, (closest to the bank) but rather the deeper side!The bottom line the fish are holding in deeper water. The best plan of attack is to adjust your float so that it holds your bait about 1 foot off the bottom.Or you can simply try bottom fishing with a Carolina rig!
While inshore fishing with Captain Kevin Rose of Miss Judy Charters Jamie Sadler is having a grant fly fishing time! Hooked up again!
Inshore report!
Well, Well, inshore fishermen really had the wind full Saturday to deal with. Northeast winds howled in excess of 20 knots for most of the day, which meant inshore fishermen had to run and hide to even get to fish. Our captains even though the winds were howling made the best out of the beautiful sunny day that was handed! Take for instance Captain Kevin Rose of Miss Judy Charters that had a fly fishing trip with three fishermen and 20-knot winds…well here’s the outcome to this adventure and pictures certainly don’t lie…they hooked up 8 fish on the fly! All I can say now is “You go Captain Kevin Rose!”
According to Captain Kevin Rose of Miss Judy Charters whether it is windy or not fly fishing was doable!
Captain Matt Williams of Miss Judy Charters, Alli DeYoung and her father Dan are all full of fish catching learning about fishing smiles! And with that mouth full I suggest maybe next year that you should consider attending our 2018 inshore school on the boats in the water!
Darn those crazy sheepsheads!
It seems that the bulk of offshore migration of sheepshead have might moved back inshore. Now, I am not going say “that’s all of the offshore sheepshead bite.” However, I will say, you can catch them inshore now for sure. So for those of you that know of any vertical structure such as rock, docks, pilings, bridge uprights, and any underwater wrecks, well this would be the time to give them a try! Here’s are a few suggestions to help make your fish day a catching success: Purple or black back fiddlers, (our just about anything that comes wrapped in a shell with work!) Carolina type bottom rig or float rig fished at that perfect depth, dip net, and of course the old Kodak! (What is a Kodak camera? Well, it’s old school and way back when I used them there was filmed involved!)
Captain Tommy Williams III of Miss Judy Charters took Brentt and Kelly Barron from Northern California that is currently stationed at Fort Stewart on a fish finding mission. Brentt and Kelly have fished with our company numerous times. And this time they wanted to target sheepshead, also known as convict fish. The old convict fish is so quick that it can suck the insides right out of a fiddler while still leaving the empty carcass on the hook. The best bait is going to be purple or black back fiddlers. However, if you fish a live shrimp next to a piling that the sheepshead just might be feeding around, well it will eat them too! As you can see they caught a few, kept a few, released a few, and lost a few! The bottom line was, “yes they had fresh fish for supper!”
Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters is once again proving that the inshore fishing sure is a lot of fun and you can catch fish too!
Thanks for reading!
Captain Garret Ross of Miss Judy Charters showed them the catching way!
Captain Judy Helmey
Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!
124 Palmetto Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31410
912-897-4921 or 912-897-2478
912-897-3460 fax