Captain Judy’s Genuine Red Snapper Report!

Fishing statement: To try to ensure that fishing stays in the hearts of those that love it!

Want to catch and get to keep genuine red snapper? READ THIS!!!

We all have been waiting for the opening and now its official!

Recreational fishermen may harvest red snapper in federal waters (from 3 to 200 nautical miles) from November 3rd through 5th and November 10th through 12th. The recreational bag limit is 1 fish per person a day and there is no minimum size limit.

Captain Kathy Brown!

Now, there’s all that’s left to say, “Your boat or ours?!”

For all the details:

Captain Judy Helmey
Miss Judy Charters
Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!
124 Palmetto Drive
Savannah, Georgia 31410
(912)-897-4921 or (912)-897-2478
(912)-897-3460 fax