Cedar Key Paddling



Hey everybody! Almost halfway through this extremely unusual year.  Cedar Key finally reopened the boat ramps, so we could launch our kayaks, launch all our charter boats, and start slinging bait and tackle again.  As I write, I just finished one of our great charters, and we landed not one but two, wayoverslot snook.  Last year, we had a record year for the amount of snook we had in our area, and this year is starting to shape up to be even better Artificials that seem to work wellhave been anything you can retrieve fast, and that is red and white.  Live bait that always does well is live mullet, or live medium to large pin fish.  There is a ton of different kinds of bait showing up, and I expect our cobia to be here as this hits the stands.  I hope everyone is, and have been okay through all this messand I hope to see you at the shop or on the water.  Take a kid fishing this summer!