Columbia Rivers Forecast October

Columbia Rivers Forecast

It’s October, and the doldrums of summer are behind us. The summer striper season was great with large numbers most days and some quality sizes. We even caught a few holdover and big wild trout that made it through the flood a year ago. With Fall setting in, we are looking at an amazing trout season.

In September, we saw an increase in trout activity on the Saluda River, mainly in the young of the year 6- to 8-inch rainbows. October will see the increase continue as all of them come out of hiding from the onslaught of stripes during the summer. Look for action on top with bugs like caddis and blue wing olives coming off. Good flies to imitate with are Elk Hair Caddis and Stimulators and Adams and Beats patterns in sizes 12 to 18. Streamers will produce well with Wooley Buggers and larger articulated patterns. Don’t forget Nymphs. These fish will eat a nymph even if they are rising to surface insects.

The wild trout population is beginning to grow, so let’s do everything possible to conserve these gems. Catch and release of anything under 12 inches is encouraged. The large trout are the breeding stock; so the more we put back, the more wild trout we will see next year.

As always, be safe on the Saluda by keeping track of water flows.

Jake Howard 
Saluda Valley Guides LLC
Barron’s Outfitters