
Environmental and waterway news.

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Haven’t we waited long enough?

For years, various versions of the Sportsmen’s Act have made progress in Congress only to stall out. While many of …

Volunteers Build Oyster Reefs In Choctawhatchee Bay

After a year of effort, the 700-foot oyster reef—the largest the Choctawhatchee Basin Alliance (CBA) has ever constructed—was complete.

How Big is a Beaked Whale?

Now, perhaps the more important question is, who cares how big these whales are? Well, it would be the U.S. Navy, that’s who.

Pledge To Pitch It – FLW Tour

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Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup celebrates 10 years of ‘Keeping It Clean’

10th annual Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup will be held on Saturday, July 29th.

Water Quality Monitoring Project: Disease Update

The cause of coral disease is difficult to determine and not currently well understood.

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Florida’s Chain Pickerel

In the northern parts of our great country, anglers enjoy chasing down enormous pike and elusive musky. We Floridians don’t usually give a second thought, but they are in Florida!


Stretching 500 miles across the northern side of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Art of Kicking Fish

When the fish gets in the strike zone of the dolphins tail, you can see the dolphin looking at the fish and lining up the kick. It's a difficult technique to learn, and not all dolphins know how to do it. However, once learned, it provides an obvious advantage over simply chasing a fish and catching it with the mouth. A quick, precise flip of the tail and dinner is served, versus chasing a fish down and catching it with the mouth which can often take a few minutes and require a lot of energy.