I am currently researching the risks that face the shark populations in Florida waters, and I am very interested in obtaining the expertise and beliefs of fishers. To better understand this topic, I am conducting a survey of recreational anglers in the state of Florida. The survey will characterize your fishing style and interactions with sharks, and provide anglers the chance to voice their opinions on the future of management for sharks in Florida.Editorial Staff
This year, at the urging of many groups and state agencies, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (GMFMC) is actively pursuing a change in management strategy for red snapper. Called “Regional Management” it would transfer to the states more flexibility in decisions regarding recreational harvest of this premier fish. This is certainly welcomed by most reef fish anglers, given the shrinking seasons and bag limits over the past decade. Editorial Staff
For those of us living in coastal Alabama, the Dog River watershed is a prime example. After one of Mobile’s typical heavy summer rains, the scenic river is turned into a trash pile of floating debris that eventually makes its way to Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Alabama Gulf Coast Edition
August 13, 2013 Small Entity Compliance Guide NOAA Fisheries is implementing management measures in Regulatory Amendment 15 to the Fishery … Charleston Edition
In the northern parts of our great country, anglers enjoy chasing down enormous pike and elusive musky. We Floridians don’t usually give a second thought, but they are in Florida!Brandon Tourigny
Stretching 500 miles across the northern side of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, the Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean. Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico Edition
When the fish gets in the strike zone of the dolphins tail, you can see the dolphin looking at the fish and lining up the kick. It's a difficult technique to learn, and not all dolphins know how to do it. However, once learned, it provides an obvious advantage over simply chasing a fish and catching it with the mouth. A quick, precise flip of the tail and dinner is served, versus chasing a fish down and catching it with the mouth which can often take a few minutes and require a lot of energy.Editorial Staff