Cooler Hunts

By Wayne Nichols

With cooler temps in the morning and night, right now is a great time to after BIG alligators. Public alligator season may be over, but on private lands you can still hunt for gators and it’s the perfect time. Most landowners/outfitters still have tags available and some give great discounts for end of year hunts. With cooler temps in the morning, finding big alligators laying up on the banks usually doesn’t take too long and spot-n-stalk methods are generally easier this time of year. Cooler temps make them lazier and more unaware of surroundings…ok, actually cooler weather has them conserving more energy right now. Gators need temperatures to stay above the mid 70’s to ensure digestion of their food, which is a lot of why they lay in the sun. Generally, once they’ve been sunning for a short time they take a nap, allowing you to slip in close to them. In the summer months it’s actually much harder to catch big gators sunning for any length of time. Sporting a leather jacket in our 100° heat is a great way to have a stroke, so sunning 20-30 minutes at a time is about all they can stand, before needing to cool back off in the water. While gun hunting is highly productive year-round on private lands, late Fall/Winter is prime time for an archery hunt, day or night. Daytime archery hunting sunning Gators allows close quarters stalks and more time for shot placement, while night hunting is cooler and using calls can flat out put one in your lap. Baby gator (hatchlings) calls are extremely effective right now. Bull Gators love coming into the sounds of distressed baby gators for an easy snack (this method also works great in the daytime). Can’t seem to find a gator? Turn a call on and wait a few minutes; if there’s one anywhere nearby you’ll know it pretty quick, they normally rush in without hesitation… we’ve filmed gators coming in from half a mile away. Knowing where big gators stay is also key in calling them in. This allows you to place a call behind you and in most cases across from you. From a light portable ground blind or some brush for cover, you will have a better shot angle for the back of the head or shoulder vitals as they swim by you. It might sound a little complicated, but after a few practice sessions you’ll see how easy it really is. We’ve got plenty of guides and outfitters with tags available throughout the end of the year to ensure a great hunt for you. Combo hunts, as always, are also available year-round; right now is a great time for hog hunting as well. We’re heading back in the woods y’all stay safe out there. Remember to take a kid hunting or fishing anytime you get a chance.

Red Eye Safaris             863-990-7650