Costa Rica Kayak Fishing Forecast for September and October

Costa Rica Kayak Fishing Forecast for September & October

September and October in the Nicoya peninsula is what locals call “invierno” or winter. For tourist operators like us it is normally low season, but now is the humpback whale migration season. Kayak fishing is one of the best experiences you can try, but sharing a couple minutes with humpback whales are those moments that will stay in your mind forever. Hundreds of whales will meet in the south Pacific coast of Costa Rica and they have to cross in front of Santa Teresa and Mal Pais area. Normally we find female humpback whales with calf close to the beach where they enjoy shallow water and protection. Watching whales from a kayak is an experience you won’t find in the city and will give you another perspective on life. Magic moments happen when you get close to an animal that is over 100 times bigger than you swimming freely and peacefully. This make us think about what is important in life and when you see this animals enjoying this place like we do. Whales do not depend on money but they live in this same world and work hard feeding and growing far away in the north or the south. We like to think they also like to visit Costa Rica for a few months.


Fishing during these months is very good for big roosterfish, mahi mahi and tuna. Lots of rain and cloudy days is the perfect receipt to find big fish. Barracudas during the winter are even twice the size as the ones we find in the dry season. Top water lures and trolling is the best when fishing inshore and deep jigging is the best way to find monster roosterfish.

This is also the main sea turtle nesting season, so we highly recommend visiting Costa Rica in September and October.

Pura Vida,
Pablo Hein
Sea Kayak Adventures |
