Dress for Success

Day dreams about fishing usually consist of blue skies, calm seas and bright sunshine. Unfortunately, we all know that this isn’t always the case. Down here in South Florida winter cold fronts often bring some of our best fishing conditions.  Being able to deal with the weather is a critical part of angling success during any season.

Ultimately staying warm and dry will make the difference between an enjoyable day on the water or being miserable. Anyone living here knows that the weather can change in a matter of minutes. On any given day one may experience rain, wind, or even cold temps. The key is planning ahead and preparing appropriately. Also, it is important to note that shirts, shoes, and socks don’t always stay dry. Carrying a dry change of clothes is always a good idea.

Today we have countless choices of gear specifically designed with anglers in mind. Shirts and shorts designed to be cool as well as fast drying and stain resistant.  Spending a little extra on these can pay quick dividends. Nothing is worst than getting soaked by a passing shower first thing in the morning and having to stay wet hours after the rain. Wearing quick drying shirts and shorts makes all the difference.

During the fall and winter lower temperatures and higher winds can come into play. During these colder periods it is often a good idea to wear boots and foul weather gear. Let’s start at your feet and work our way up. If you are like me, you don’t want your feet wet all day.  Not only is this unhealthy but it is also a good way to be cold when air and water temps take a dip. After using several different types of boots, I have found the XTRATUF line (http://www.xtratufboots.com/) to be the best. These boots are available from short 6″ to more than 12″ in length. Insulated version are also available for colder climates. I normally use the 6 inchers during the warmer months and the longer 12″ during the winter. Boots should always be worn with adequate socks and in for some anglers insoles aren’t a bad idea either.

Now that your feet are protected, you’ll want to keep the water out. Water can comes in several ways including: spray, rain, and bait catching duties (i.e. Throwing a cast net, etc.). Wearing a good pair of bibs will do the trick here.  Today, several really good choices exist so you’ll have to select them based on material, budget, and style. On cold days, you’ll want to wear a sweat shirt or hoodie under you bib straps.

Most foul weather gear manufactures will make a jacket to match their bibs and make look a little better out on the water.  Personally, I don’t like really heavy jackets because I feel like they slow me down and are rarely really needed. I prefer a lighter jacket that can keep my sweater dry and I can easily remove if necessary.

Last but not least, you’ll want to protect your head, face, and eyes. A hoodie, cap, or beanie will take of you. I personally prefer a cap unless it’s really cold. On really cold days I’ll use a hoodie or beanie over the cap. Your face can be protected using a buff style face mask which can be worn several different ways. Finally, you’ll want to protect you eyes with a good pair of polarized  sunglasses.  Not only will they protect your eyes but they’ll help you see clearer and even spot more fish. Check out https://www.costadelmar.com

Well, that’s it for now. I hope reading this piece will make your next trip out on the water that much more enjoyable. Remember that nothing can ruin a day on the water more than being uncomfortable. Do yourself a favor and dress for success.

Be sure to follow all of the action on my website www.fishingcharter.com, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also check out some videos on YouTube. Til next time!
Tight Lines,
Capt. Orlando Muniz

Nomad Fishing Charters


(786) 266-0171
Sponsors and friends:  Mercury Marine, Bass Pro Shops, Offshore Angler, Tracker Marine, Gray Taxidermy, Baitmasters, SeaDek, Costa Del Mar, and Yo-Zuri.