End the Year With Variety By: Capt. George Hastick

December is a great time for inshore fishing in Tampa Bay. With the water temperatures dropping, anglers can catch a variety of species throughout Tampa Bay and the surrounding areas. In December, the water temperature drops to usually between 67 to 71 degrees, which triggers the migration of many cooler water species into the Bay. There will be plenty of action on various live and artificial baits.

One sought-after inshore species during this time is the larger spotted sea trout that show up during the cooler months. These fish are known for their aggressive feeding habits, especially their explosive topwater strikes, making them a thrilling target for anglers. They can be found in shallow grass flats, around oyster bars and mangrove shorelines during the warmer days and in deeper water on the colder days. Using live baits, such as shrimp or small scaled sardines, and artificial lures, like soft plastics or topwater plugs, can yield great results. I especially like Saltwater Assassins soft plastic Lit’l P&V, Chicken On A Chain, on a ¼-ounce jig head and MirrOlure’s top water MirrOmullet in the skin series. These two lures will cover everything you need for success with trout.

Redfish are another popular target in December. These strong fish can be found in the same areas as trout in good grass flats with oyster mounds, under the mangroves and docks. They tend to gather in schools, making it possible to catch multiple fish in one spot. Using live bait or lures that mimic crabs, shrimp or baitfish can entice them to bite.

Snook are also a great catch in Tampa Bay. Although their bite can decrease during the Winter months, they can still be found around bridges, docks and deeper mangrove shorelines along with warmer water from rivers and power plant outflows. Using live baitfish, or lures that resemble them, like jerkbaits or swimbaits, like a Sea Shad or a MirrOdine can increase your chances of hooking one.

Other species to target in December include sheepshead, flounder and black drum. Fish around docks, bridges and rocky areas. Using shrimp or small crabs as bait, can be the best bet in enticing them to bite. I like to use just enough weight to keep the bait on the bottom.

There are plenty of opportunities for inshore fishing in Tampa Bay. The cooler temperatures make December an ideal time to enjoy some angling adventures.