By Alberto GutierrezPura Pesca Costa Rica

Shore Fishing on Lake Arenal

The Arenal Lake is a place where you can fish from the shore, and have plenty of space to travel throughout the area of ​​the town called El Castillo. You will find many bays and points, sectors with many trunks of old trees, and rivers running into the lake. In this sector you can fish for blue guapote, guapote tiger, machaca and tilapia. I recommend fishing here when the level of the lagoon is low (in the months of April and May) to be able to easily walk on the shore of the lake. When the level of the lake is high, fishing is hard and access is difficult. You can use lures such as spinnerbaits, rattle shads, crankbaits spoons, jitterbugs and whopper ploppers, among others, to catch these unique and beautiful fish.