Fly of the Month: Double Yolk


Michigan old timers have said they have never seen a salmon run like we had in the fall of 2013. Among the many benefits of an abundant number of fall salmon, is the prolific number of salmon fry in the spring!
As spring approaches, the salmon eggs begin to hatch young salmon known as fry. Initially these juvenile fish swim around with a portion of their egg sack still attached. We call them sac-fry. Steelhead and trout will pursue these young salmon as a food source. Try the Double Yolk as a sac-fry imitation. Good luck!
When Phil Cusey isn’t guiding he can be reached at


Hook: TMC 105 size 6-10
Thread: G.S.P. 100 – white
Body: Ice Dub – orange
Wing: Sparkle Hai – pearl
Lateral Line: Grizzly/white – rubber legs
Eyes: Bead chain – black
Throat: McFly foam – golden
