Fly of the Month: Support Your Team

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Summer has finally arrived in West Michigan. What a great time to get out and enjoy some enjoy some small mouth bass fishing on your favorite stream or lake! Although bass can be very selective, the ruckus a popping fly causes on the water’s surface can trump color. Seeing a fish take your fly (popper) top water is one of the most exhilarating experiences of our sport. Have fun with popper…. tie it in several color combinations…. Including the colors of your favorite sport teams!

Name: Support your team
Hook: TCM 8089 sz.6
Head: Using spray adhesive, bond six layers of your facorite color 2mm foam. Allow to dry. Being careful, use a straight edge and razor blade; cut our a wedge shaped piece of your newly created foam “block”. Create a thread base on hook, apply super glue and slide foam wedge on. Allow to dry.
Tail: Marabou and Schloppen in colors to accompany head color.
Legs: Three strands of medium round rubber in color to accompany head and tail.
EYES: Doll eyes
