Fort Bayou: July 2014

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]ime for cold drinks and hot fishing: the summer fishing season is in full swing. It took mother nature longer than usual, but the fish finally fell into their summer patterns. July will see better salinity, and that means clear water. The annual triple tail migration came in at a sluggish pace, but they were being taken in greater numbers in late June. The abundant and delicious white trout can be found from near- shore reefs around Deer Island and into Biloxi Back Bay. The bay will also be a good place to find some tasty flounder and the hard fighting redfish. Flounder can be found around the marsh islands from Hwy 90 to Big Lake at Popps Ferry. When trying your luck targeting these flat fish, I use an Odd-Ball Popping Cork with live shrimp of bull minnows, and I fish at depths from 2 to 4 feet. When following the marsh grass, don’t pass up any concrete or wood pilings. In July, they just might be holding that prize fighting red. July will put spotted seatrout where anglers can fish from banks out to the barrier islands. This is the month for popping corks when chasing the beautiful speckled trout, and no better cork than the Odd-Ball for distance and noise.

Remember to thank our service men and women this July 4th.
