From the Publisher – August 2020

Whenever I meet one of our readers at a boat show or the tackle shop, one of the most prevalent … Aug 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – July 2020

July is here and that means that we have made it through the first half of 2020. It’s anyone’s guess … Jul 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – June 2020

It’s been said that life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. … Jun 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – April 2020

April brings us some of the best weather of the year and is an amazing month to be on the … Apr 1st, 2020

From the Publisher – March 2020

This month we are proud to announce that we have added two new sections of local content. Thanks to a … Mar 1st, 2020

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