From the Publisher – April 2019

Along with the Easter Bunny, April brings some of the best fishing of the year. Bigger blackfin tunas will be … Apr 1st, 2019

From the Publisher – March 2019

Spring has sprung! In my opinion, March is one of the best months to fish in South Florida. Whether it’s … Mar 1st, 2019

From the Publisher – February 2019

Passion! It’s a word that can bring to mind many things. February is the month of hearts, flowers and chocolate … Feb 1st, 2019

From the Publisher – January 2019

At 51 years old, I’ve learned a lot in my life. One of the things I have learned over the … Jan 1st, 2019

From the Publisher – December 2018

This December issue marks our two year anniversary as publishers of Coastal Angler Fort Lauderdale. As with any business, we … Dec 1st, 2018

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