From the Publisher – November 2018

Dealing with hurricanes is something that all Floridians are familiar with. However, I’m not sure that anyone understands how severely … Nov 1st, 2018

From the Publisher – October 2018

October has arrived and that means we can look forward to some cooler temperatures and some of the best fishing … Oct 1st, 2018

From the Publisher – September 2018

The last month has been a whirlwind to say the least. In the last 30 days, we’ve been to ICAST, … Sep 1st, 2018

From the Publisher – August 2018

Recently on social media, I saw some disturbing photos of a huge hammerhead shark that was caught off the beach … Aug 1st, 2018

From the Publisher – July 2018

Over the course of the last few months, we’ve had the opportunity to get involved with some local tournaments. At … Jul 1st, 2018

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