Freshwater Report: June 2014

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat a great ending to May with the water being cooler than normal because of the record low temps and the amount of rain we had the last two months. The north wind kept tides pushed out of the marsh and with it came bass. June should be great if the temps shy on the mild side.

Tournament results from Pascagoula River have shown the estuary growing
to all-time records. Mother Nature has blessed the Pascagoula with lush green eel and coontail grass in the marsh areas and lily pads up north. A SPRO Bronzeye frog, white/black, can be deadly around the lily pads on bright sunny days. When searching for good pad fields listen for bluegill feeding on insects, this is a good sign bass are present. When fishing the lower marsh try buzzbaits, ribbits and
floating worms rigged Texas style. All of these baits can be fished fairly fast over visible underwater grass to cover the water and find the best bass hide outs. One thing to look for is main river banks near bayous and shallow duck ponds.

The evening tournaments have started out of little river on Pascagoula on Fridays from 5-8. Back Bay “fruit jars” are set for Thursday out of Woolmarket boat ramp. Anyone needing information on these tournaments can call me.
