Ft. Lauderdale Sportfishing – July 2019

Katie, Mason and Owen with a good bottom fishing catch with Fishing Headquarters
Katie, Mason and Owen with a good bottom fishing catch with Fishing Headquarters

July is a great month for sportfishing in Fort Lauderdale. First off, the offshore fishing for dolphin is excellent. There are a lot of schoolie sized mahi mahi out there right now. All it takes is a lot of time trolling around to find them. When you do find a school, just pull out the light tackle and bailing rigs. Set the boat in a drift and just bail them one after the other, always leaving at least one dolphin in the water, hooked up but not boated. The whole school will stay right with you as you drift, provided you keep at least one dolphin in the water at all times. Using this trick, you can catch the majority of the school without the fish getting spooked and without having to chase after them. The schools of mahi mahi we’re finding out there are sometimes composed of 20 to 30 fish, all between 3 and 6 pounds and there is always a chance to catch a giant bull that may be lurking below the school. Summer is our best season of the year for dolphin fishing.

Deep dropping in 300 to 500 feet of water is good this time of year for catching snowy groupers. We’re catching some very large snowy groupers right now, deep dropping squids around our deepest shipwrecks. The shallower wrecks in only 200 to 300 feet deep, are holding some big amberjacks, cobia and other grouper species. They are biting the best on live baits such as blue runners and speedo mackerels. There are some nice fish showing up on the reef as well. Plenty of kingfish, bonitos and blackfin tuna are being caught trolling on the reef.

It’s shaping up to be a great summer of fishing. Tight lines everyone.

Capt. Brett Magers
New Lattitude Sportfishing
(954) 707-2147