Good Students Are Better Anglers


Photo courtesy of Clayton Thomas

By Tobin Strickland, CAM Special Correspondent

It’s all too easy to read fishing articles and have it be entertainment and inspiration instead of education. What can you do to begin to accelerate your learning curve?

First, start taking notes. That’s right, this is your leisure time and you’re not in school any more but its time you take your game up a notch. Get a notebook; this could be the back half of the fishing log book you started, and start using it when you read articles in magazine, books or online subscriptions. Review your notes after you finish reading an article and make sure you understand those notes. If not, get in touch with the author if possible and ask.

Next, using Google Earth (the program—not Google Maps satellite version) make a game plan based on what you learned from the article. Take screen shots and print them to remind you what your plan is and take these with you in the boat with your notes. Execute the plan, and stay on task. I find that it’s all too easy for a student to begin the plan that was laid out, only to quickly let it evaporate and punt, reverting to old habits once on the water.

Hope these notes help you become a better student of your teachers. Always feel free to contact us at for support in improving your coastal inshore fishing game.

Tobin created – tech support for trout and redfish anglers.

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