H ello and welcome back to the soft water season! Here in Grand Haven, most of the ice is gone, and the pier fishing has been fairly active with decent numbers of browns and steelhead being taken on fresh spawn. Boat traffic has been light, but some fish are being taken while trolling small spoons and shallow diving plugs just off shore between the sand bars. This technique is generally productive in our area right through the end of April. Some of the best body bait patterns in the spring are the brown trout, fire tiger, gold or silver with orange and natural blue or black back on a silver body. Hot’N’Tots, Bombers, Thunder Sticks and Wiggle Warts are all good choices. For spoons I like the small Yeck “Pat’s Bait” spoon (Orange and gold), Michigan Stingers in standard and mini sizes and Dreamweaver Super Slims. Mixed Veggie, Carmel Dolphin (if the water is stained), Rodman, Jäger Bomb and silver or gold with orange crush tape are all good bets. Vary your speed and zig zag from shore to the deepest sand bar until you figure out where they’re hiding.
We are looking forward to the season as we’re all wondering what to expect in terms of catching kings this year. Keep your fingers crossed as the mild winter should have helped them out and likewise given the alewives a chance to regroup. I like our chances for a good season and with the warm spring we’ll know soon! Get your gear ready and I look forward to seeing you out on the water!