Photo courtesy of Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
News for Red Snapper Management
In April, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council met in Biloxi, Mississippi and took final action on Reef Fish Amendment 50: State Management for Recreational Red Snapper.
The council chose to delegate management authority of the private angling component for recreational red snapper fishing to each state. Each state will be allocated the portion of the recreational quota it initially requested in the 2018-2019 exempted fishing permit application, with the remaining 3.78 percent distributed between Florida and Alabama. Those values are as follows:
Alabama: 26.298 percent
Florida: 44.822 percent
Louisiana: 19.120 percent
Mississippi: 3.550 percent
Texas: 6.210 percent
The council also elected to delegate authority for establishing or modifying the bag limit, minimum size limit within 14-18 inches, and maximum size limit. Finally, the council selected to allow a state to close areas of federal waters adjacent to the state by requesting that NMFS implement the closure.
These suggested management changes will be transmitted to the Secretary of Commerce for approval and implementation.