Hangin’ Up My Hammer

By Capt. James McManus

Yes!!! The winter wanes and the spring swells, trees are budding, temps are warming, but most importantly, fish are biting. This will be the first month that you can depend on improving success on the water. There is renewed confidence in areas, techniques, and baits that will put you in touch with our little finny friends. This is spawning season so remember to release fish that are fat with roe, especially smallmouth, walleye and perch, they need a little extra protection. With better weather conditions, think about those who for whatever reason are not real hardcore outdoorsmen or women. Take the time to invite more kids, young and old as well. On that note…

After 50 years in the building business, I am hanging up my hammer (which lately hasn’t seen much action) to concentrate on my guide service. One thing I hope to do is help introduce kids to our sport of fishing. Trying to iron out the details but if you know of either disadvantaged kids, kids of single parents who have no interest or means to take kids, or kids who for whatever reason aren’t able to get on the water, give me a call. Looking at a trip in a month or so for reduced or no fee, to get them some fishing experience. I was blessed to have a dad that introduced me to the outdoors and supported my addiction to the point of building a pond on my granddad’s farm. He still apologizes to my wife for creating a monster at times, but time spent fishing kept me from spending it in much less productive activities.

Remember you don’t have to catch five-pound spots or twenty-pound stripers to give a young’un a start for a love of our passion. A tube of crickets and a hand sized bream is really all it takes sometimes. Patience and an awareness of their desires can make a big difference in how they feel about fishing. I used to fill a five gallon bucket half full, drop a couple of punkinseed bream in and let the boys stand in the bucket, that was the big thrill of the day. So let me know where I can help, enjoy our God given waters and enjoy this season. Later, Capt. James.

Capt. James McManus owns 153 Charters. Give him a call for a great day on the water at (828) 421-8125.